Woodlands EC

Twin Fountains Resale EC

MOP Date: 14 Mar 2021

Twin Fountains is an Executive Condominium located at the tranquil neighborhood of Woodlands Ave 6 / Drive 16. Offering a wide range of units from 2 to 4 bedrooms and penthouses, it caters to different family needs. Spend a day of spa-inspired relaxation or splash out with the kids at many hydro fun facilities. There’s plenty at home for the family to enjoy at 6 leisure thematic zones.

Fountains is the main theme for this development. It features 4 sets of duo fountains as namely Play Fountains, Adventure Fountains, Clubhouse Fountains and Villa Fountains.

Ready to Sell or Buy?

Call Fidia @ 9807 9817 for Details

想出售或购买房地产请致电 9807 9817 (林佳璇)

Twin Fountains Last Transacted Prices

(Updated on 29 Mar 2025)

Unit Price Price (psf) Size (sqft) Date
#11-XX $1,620K $1,344 1,205 Feb-25
#13-XX $1,800K $1,286 1,400 Jan-25
#02-XX $1,712K $1,372 1,248 Dec-24
#02-XX $1,320K $1,252 1,055 Nov-24
#12-XX $1,455K $1,325 1,098 Nov-24
#04-XX $1,030K $1,243 829 Oct-24
#05-XX $1,900K $1,193 1,593 Oct-24
#02-XX $1,080K $1,224 882 Sep-24
#12-XX $1,466K $1,273 1,152 Sep-24
#12-XX $1,620K $1,344 1,205 Aug-24
#05-XX $1,368K $1,189 1,151 Aug-24
#07-XX $1,450K $1,295 1,120 Aug-24
#11-XX $1,080K $1,303 829 Aug-24
#10-XX $1,618K $1,343 1,205 Jul-24
#11-XX $1,423K $1,272 1,119 Jul-24
#12-XX $1,350K $1,230 1,098 Jul-24
#13-XX $1,308K $1,267 1,033 Jun-24
#09-XX $1,045K $1,261 829 Jun-24
#03-XX $1,320K $1,179 1,120 May-24
#07-XX $1,548K $1,285 1,205 May-24
#04-XX $1,275K $1,161 1,098 Apr-24
#05-XX $1,250K $1,210 1,033 Apr-24
#09-XX $1,285K $1,244 1,033 Apr-24
#03-XX $1,428K $1,196 1,195 Apr-24
#07-XX $1,300K $1,184 1,098 Apr-24
#04-XX $1,268K $1,202 1,055 Mar-24
#04-XX $1,280K $1,143 1,120 Feb-24
#08-XX $1,250K $1,210 1,033 Feb-24
#04-XX $1,215K $1,176 1,033 Feb-24
#03-XX $1,260K $1,148 1,098 Jan-24
#05-XX $1,030K $1,243 829 Jan-24

Twin Fountains Last Rented Prices

(Updated on 29 Mar 2025)

No. of Bed Rent Rent (psf) Size (sqft) Date
3 $4,300 $3.58 - $3.91 1100  - 1200 Feb-25
3 $4,500 $3.75 - $4.09 1100  - 1200 Jan-25
4 $2,300 $1.64 - $1.77 1300  - 1400 Jan-25
3 $4,500 $4.09 - $4.50 1000 - 1100 Nov-24
3 $4,300 $3.91 - $4.30 1000  - 1100 Oct-24
3 $4,100 $3.42 - $3.73 1100  - 1200 Oct-24
3 $4,500 $4.09 - $4.50 1000  - 1100 Oct-24
3 $2,300 $1.92 - $2.09 1100  - 1200 Oct-24
3 $4,000 $3.64 - $4.00 1000  - 1100 Sep-24
3 $4,200 $3.50 - $3.82 1100  - 1200 Aug-24
3 $4,180 $3.80 - $4.18 1000  - 1100 Aug-24
3 $4,100 $3.73 - $4.10 1000  - 1100 Jul-24
4 $4,000 $2.86 - $3.08  1300  - 1400  May-24
3 $4,300 $3.91 - $4.30  1000  - 1100  May-24
4 $4,200 $3.00 - $3.23  1300  - 1400  Apr-24
4 $4,700 $3.62 - $3.92  1200  - 1300  Apr-24
3 $4,300 $3.58 - $3.91  1100  - 1200  Mar-24
4 $4,000 $2.86 - $3.08  1300  - 1400  Feb-24
4 $5,000 $3.85 - $4.17  1200  - 1300  Jan-24

Twin Fountains Location Map

Twin Fountains Site Plan & Facilities
Twin Fountains EC Site Plan & Facilities
Twin Fountains EC Site Plan & Facilities Legend

Twin Fountains Details

Project Name Twin Fountains
Project Type Executive Condominium
Tenure 99 years from 19 Dec 2012
Site Area 16,505 sq.m (177,663 Sqft)
Total Units 418
No. Of Blocks / Storey 8 / 14
T.O.P. Date 14 Mar 2016
M.O.P. Date 14 Mar 2021
Who Can Buy SC and SPR only
2-Bedroom 829 - 883 sqft
3-Bedroom 1,033 - 1,238 sqft
4-Bedroom 1,109 - 1,593 sqft
5-BR Penthouse 2,207 sqft
Developer FCL Admiralty Pte Ltd (Frasers Property)

Ready to Sell or Buy?

Call Fidia @ 9807 9817 for Details

想出售或购买房地产请致电 9807 9817 (林佳璇)