SengKang EC

Treasure Crest Resale EC

MOP Date: 14 Sep 2023

Treasure Crest is accessible through the nearest train stations such as Cheng Lim (SW1), Farmway (SW2), and Sengkang (NE16 STC). The nearest primary schools are Springdale Primary School, Nan Chiau Primary School, and Compassvale Primary School.

This property is close to amenities like Cold Storage Compass Point, NTUC Fairprice (Rivervale Mall), and Sheng Siong Hypermarket (Punggol Central). The closest shopping malls are Compass One, Compass Point, and Waterway Point.

Ready to Sell or Buy?

Call Fidia @ 9807 9817 for Details

想出售或购买房地产请致电 9807 9817 (林佳璇)

Treasure Crest Last Transacted Prices

(Updated on 23 Mar 2025)

Unit Price Price (psf) Size (sqft) Date
#09-XX $1,988K $1,592 1,249 Mar-25
#11-XX $1,575K $1,463 1,077 Feb-25
#14-XX $1,480K $1,545 958 Feb-25
#12-XX $1,620K $1,505 1,076 Feb-25
#03-XX $1,546K $1,436 1,077 Feb-25
#15-XX $1,480K $1,545 958 Jan-25
#05-XX $1,570K $1,459 1,076 Jan-25
#11-XX $2,088K $1,552 1,345 Jan-25
#06-XX $1,890K $1,514 1,248 Jan-25
#03-XX $2,040K $1,516 1,346 Dec-24
#12-XX $1,580K $1,468 1,076 Dec-24
#15-XX $1,460K $1,524 958 Dec-24
#06-XX $1,700K $1,476 1,152 Nov-24
#02-XX $1,315K $1,373 958 Nov-24
#07-XX $1,540K $1,431 1,076 Oct-24
#02-XX $1,540K $1,431 1,076 Oct-24
#15-XX $1,650K $1,433 1,151 Oct-24
#15-XX $1,430K $1,493 958 Oct-24
#14-XX $1,470K $1,534 958 Oct-24
#13-XX $1,399K $1,461 958 Oct-24
#07-XX $1,460K $1,524 958 Sep-24
#02-XX $1,925K $1,431 1,345 Sep-24
#08-XX $1,588K $1,475 1,077 Sep-24
#07-XX $1,720K $1,493 1,152 Sep-24
#10-XX $1,650K $1,433 1,151 Sep-24
#03-XX $1,951K $1,450 1,346 Sep-24
#13-XX $1,595K $1,482 1,076 Sep-24
#03-XX $1,545K $1,435 1,077 Sep-24
#13-XX $1,648K $1,431 1,152 Sep-24
#05-XX $1,370K $1,430 958 Sep-24
#15-XX $1,710K $1,485 1,152 Sep-24
#13-XX $1,565K $1,454 1,076 Sep-24
#06-XX $1,530K $1,421 1,077 Sep-24
#07-XX $1,850K $1,482 1,248 Aug-24
#14-XX $1,700K $1,476 1,152 Aug-24
#02-XX $1,480K $1,375 1,076 Aug-24
#07-XX $1,588K $1,475 1,077 Aug-24
#04-XX $1,400K $1,461 958 Aug-24
#12-XX $1,680K $1,459 1,151 Jul-24
#10-XX $1,680K $1,459 1,151 Jul-24
#04-XX $1,615K $1,402 1,152 Jul-24
#11-XX $1,650K $1,433 1,151 Jul-24
#06-XX $1,550K $1,440 1,076 Jul-24
#03-XX $1,580K $1,372 1,152 Jul-24
#10-XX $1,550K $1,440 1,076 Jul-24
#10-XX $1,538K $1,430 1,076 Jun-24
#05-XX $1,490K $1,384 1,077 Jun-24
#08-XX $1,490K $1,384 1,077 Jun-24
#05-XX $1,370K $1,430 958 Jun-24
#11-XX $1,400K $1,461 958 Jun-24
#11-XX $2,100K $1,561 1,345 Jun-24
#07-XX $1,380K $1,441 958 Jun-24
#04-XX $1,480K $1,375 1,076 Jun-24
#15-XX $1,570K $1,459 1,076 May-24
#08-XX $1,675K $1,454 1,152 May-24
#13-XX $1,970K $1,464 1,346 May-24
#12-XX $2,030K $1,509 1,345 May-24
#02-XX $1,440K $1,338 1,076 May-24
#13-XX $1,560K $1,449 1,077 May-24
#10-XX $1,640K $1,424 1,152 Apr-24
#09-XX $1,628K $1,414 1,152 Apr-24
#05-XX $1,488K $1,382 1,077 Apr-24
#02-XX $1,438K $1,337 1,076 Apr-24
#14-XX $1,635K $1,420 1,151 Apr-24
#05-XX $1,580K $1,372 1,152 Apr-24
#09-XX $1,415K $1,477 958 Apr-24
#08-XX $1,584K $1,375 1,152 Mar-24
#10-XX $1,550K $1,440 1,076 Mar-24
#05-XX $1,460K $1,356 1,077 Mar-24
#11-XX $1,610K $1,398 1,152 Mar-24
#08-XX $1,540K $1,431 1,076 Mar-24
#12-XX $1,400K $1,461 958 Feb-24
#13-XX $1,396K $1,457 958 Feb-24
#12-XX $1,495K $1,389 1,076 Feb-24
#02-XX $1,690K $1,353 1,249 Feb-24
#14-XX $1,380K $1,441 958 Feb-24
#04-XX $1,345K $1,404 958 Jan-24
#12-XX $1,825K $1,462 1,248 Jan-24
#08-XX $1,488K $1,382 1,077 Jan-24
#07-XX $1,954K $1,452 1,346 Jan-24
#13-XX $1,560K $1,449 1,077 Jan-24
#13-XX $1,970K $1,464 1,346 Jan-24
#07-XX $1,512K $1,405 1,076 Jan-24
#06-XX $1,348K $1,407 958 Jan-24
#11-XX $1,460K $1,356 1,077 Jan-24
#06-XX $1,568K $1,361 1,152 Jan-24
#03-XX $1,458K $1,355 1,076 Jan-24
#05-XX $1,450K $1,347 1,076 Jan-24
#09-XX $1,562K $1,451 1,076 Jan-24
#05-XX $1,790K $1,434 1,248 Jan-24

Treasure Crest Last Rented Prices

(Updated on 23 Mar 2025)

No. of Bed Rent Rent (psf) Size (sqft) Date
3 $4,700 $4.27 - $4.70 1000  - 1100 Feb-25
3 $4,250 $3.54 - $3.86 1100  - 1200 Jan-25
3 $3,900 $3.55 - $3.90 1000  - 1100 Dec-24
3 $4,250 $3.86 - $4.25 1000  - 1100 Dec-24
3 $3,500 $3.18 - $3.50 1000  - 1100 Dec-24
3 $4,700 $4.27 - $4.70 1000  - 1100 Dec-24
3 $4,100 $4.10 - $4.56 900  - 1000 Aug-24
3 $4,000 $3.64 - $4.00 1000  - 1100 Aug-24
3 $4,050 $3.68 - $4.05 1000  - 1100 Jul-24
3 $3,850 $3.85 - $4.28 900  - 1000 Jun-24
3 $4,000 $3.64 - $4.00 1000  - 1100 Jun-24
3 $3,700 $3.70 - $4.11 900  - 1000 Jun-24
3 $4,500 $4.09 - $4.50  1000  - 1100  May-24
3 $3,900 $3.90 - $4.33  900  - 1000  Apr-24
3 $4,100 $4.10 - $4.56  900  - 1000  Mar-24
3 $4,300 $3.58 - $3.91  1100  - 1200  Mar-24
3 $4,700 $4.27 - $4.70  1000  - 1100  Feb-24

Treasure Crest Location Map

Treasure Crest Site Plan & Facilities

Treasure Crest EC Site Plan & Facilities

Treasure Crest EC Distribution Chart

Treasure Crest Details

Project Name Treasure Crest (万宝园)
Project Type Resale Executive Condominium
Tenure 99 years from 05/05/2015
Site Area 17,450.10 Sqm / 187,831 Sqft
Total Units 504
No. Of Blocks 8
No. of Storey 15
T.O.P. Date 14 Sep 2018
M.O.P. Date 14 Sep 2023
Who Can Buy SC or SPR only
3-Bedroom 958 sqft
3-BR Premium 1,076 – 1,152 sqft
3-Premium + Study 1,249 sqft
4-Bedroom 1,345 sqft
Developer Sim Lian (Anchorvale) Pte Ltd

Treasure Crest Floor Plan

Ready to Sell or Buy?

Call Fidia @ 9807 9817 for Details

想出售或购买房地产请致电 9807 9817 (林佳璇)